“A Top 3 Must-Attend Personal Development Event for Impact-Driven Individuals, Entrepreneurs & Leaders...” ~ INC.


The Life You Want, The Freedom You Desire, and The Impact You Make Are Going To Be Fueled By The Business You Build

 March 21-23, 2025
 Kalahari Resort in Round Rock, TX


“David is a leading expert on mindset and business” – Success Magazine

We're living in times of more stress, chaos, uncertainty, and confusion than ever before. But whenever there's a challenge, there's also an OPPORTUNITY...

An opportunity to create REAL solutions to the problems in our society…

To take a stand for the principles, values, and ideas we believe in…

To STOP settling for anything less than the dreams we have for our lives…

To reclaim control of our personal and financial sovereignty…

To use the innate gifts, skills, talents, and expertise that we ALL have…

To create, to build, to expand, to grow, to disrupt, to refine, to improve…

Nobody is going to do this for us…
It's Up to US…The Entrepreneurs…To Make The Changes WE Want To See – In Our Lives AND In The World

This isn't just another motivational event…

The Powerful Living Experience is a MOVEMENT…  

Who Attends The Powerful Living Experience?

  • Start, growth and scale-stage entrepreneurs
  • Side hustlers and stay-at-home moms
  • 9 to 5'rs and professionals
  • ​Solopreneurs and intrapreneurs
  • Business executives and leaders
  • Parents and community leaders
  • Coaches and consultants
  • ​Teachers, healers, and mentors

This event is for anyone who's willing to treat their mindset like their life depends on it…because IT DOES…

If you're an entrepreneur and you haven't yet achieved the level of growth, income, or impact you had in mind when you started your business…

If you're a professional, practitioner, or employee and you want to perform at an even higher level at work, earn more money, and develop a deeper passion for what you do…

If you've been wanting to start a side gig, change careers, or translate your skills, knowledge, and experience into something more purpose-driven and profitable…

If you're tired of suffering through a string of toxic relationships and you're ready to attract a soulmate that you can build your dream life with…

If you want to put an end to the pain and frustration of your chronic health issues that no doctor seems to have an answer for…

If you want to develop a deeper spiritual connection and a life aligned with purpose, impact and meaning…

If you want to FINALLY go all-in on the goals, hopes, dreams, and passions you've been putting on the backburner for years – if not decades…

And if you want to join a community of inspired world-changers who "get you" and will champion you to success…

The Powerful Living Experience LIVE Is YOUR Event.


This Isn't Inspiration…It's Radical Transformation

This event is NOT about hustling and grinding your way to “success” only to end up broken and burned out when you finally reach those goals you've always had…

It's NOT about finding that “magic pill” strategy that’s going to instantly create some miracle that transforms what's "missing" in your life…

It's NOT about the law of attraction, manifestation, or positive-thinking your way to a richer, healthier, more fulfilling life…

It's NOT about the here today, gone tomorrow tactics or secret hacks that only work for a select few who get in at the "right" time…

And it's NOT about increasing your level of self-awareness, but leaving you empty-handed when it comes to actually creating REAL change…

This Event Is About Reprogramming The Internal Operating System Of Your Brain…

So You Can Produce EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS In Your Life – No Matter What Challenges You Face, How Limited Your Resources Are, Or How Far The "Odds" May Seem Stacked Against You

Because if you want to create certainty in who you are, the life you're creating, and the vision you have for your future…

If you want to stand unshaken in the chaos and confusion of the world…

If you want to become a magnetic force of positive influence, personal power, and REAL impact…

You MUST have a step-by-step framework for letting go of the RESISTANCE that has LONG been holding you back from creating UNSTOPPABLE GROWTH.

So that you can move POWERFULLY, confidently, and unapologetically forward with UNSTOPPABLE momentum…

And RECLAIM CONTROL of the destiny, purpose, and potential that is your birthright.

WARNING: It's Not Just YOUR Destiny That's At Stake – The Course That Humanity Takes Is Up To You

Because right now, there are so many external forces affecting all of us on a deep emotional and psychological level…

All you have to do is turn on the news or scroll through your newsfeed to see fear, panic, confusion, and nothing but doom and gloom on the horizon…

Whether it's the looming recession and the skyrocketing inflation…

Or the increasing divide between party lines and politicians convincing you that the "other side" is out to destroy your livelihood…

Protests at home, wars overseas, disease spreading worldwide, and corporate elites pulling all the strings…

It's easy to feel like we're living in one big pressure cooker of fear and uncertainty that could go off at a moment's notice…

But there's always going to be a group of people who manage to adapt, overcome, and THRIVE – regardless of the circumstances…

A fellowship of spiritually strengthened, heart-centered, impact-driven and consciously awakened individuals committed to coming together as a unified force to create the change in the world WE want to see.

Step Into Your Powerful Living Experience

In 3-days, you'll experience more personal growth than even the most die-hard "self-help" devotees achieve in a lifetime…

We're going to utilize what Success Magazine called "the next evolution in personal growth" to reclaim control over what you believe, how you think, and the way you show up in life…

So you can overcome both the inner conflicts and external chaos that prevent you from creating a life you love and produce EXTRAORDINARY results in EVERY area of your life – effortlessly.

Bonus "Day 0" Business Mastery



  • Discover The Science Of How Thoughts Become Things
  • Take Control Of Your Thoughts, Beliefs, And Emotions
  • Identify Your Deeply-Rooted Limiting Beliefs
  • ​Uncover & Transform Your Childhood Traumas & Stories
  • ​Learn to Master the “Human being Operating System”
  • ​Learn to Downregulate Your Nervous System & Overcome Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm
  • ​Identify & Let Go Of Your Toxic Resentments
  • ​Rewire Your Brain To Become A Goal-Achieving Super Machine
  • Discover The Science Of How Thoughts Become Things
  • Take Control Of Your Thoughts, Beliefs, And Emotions
  • Identify Your Deeply-Rooted Limiting Beliefs
  • ​Uncover & Transform Your Childhood Traumas & Stories
  • ​Learn to Master the “Human being Operating System”
  • ​Learn to Downregulate Your Nervous System & Overcome Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm
  • ​Identify & Let Go Of Your Toxic Resentments
  • ​Rewire Your Brain To Become A Goal-Achieving Super Machine


  • Set Intentional, Fully-Aligned Goals For Your Life, Relationships, And Career
  • Discover Your Spiritual Vision and Get Absolute Clarity on The Purpose of Your Life
  • Define Your Personal Values
  • ​Remove Your Money Blocks & Expand Your Wealth Consciousness
  • ​Align With Your True Purpose & Monetize It
  • ​Re-establish Self-Love, Self-Esteem, And Unshakeable Confidence
  • ​Enhance Your Ability To Lead, Serve, And Positively Influence Others
  • Set Intentional, Fully-Aligned Goals For Your Life, Relationships, And Career
  • Discover Your Spiritual Vision and Get Absolute Clarity on The Purpose of Your Life
  • Define Your Personal Values
  • ​Remove Your Money Blocks & Expand Your Wealth Consciousness
  • ​Align With Your True Purpose & Monetize It
  • ​Re-establish Self-Love, Self-Esteem, And Unshakeable Confidence
  • ​Enhance Your Ability To Lead, Serve, And Positively Influence Others


  • Learn the psychological and emotional strategies for creating extraordinary change in the world
  • Unlock Super Human Levels Of Creativity, Intelligence, And Resiliency
  • Transform Your Relationship Consciousness & Improve Your Capacity For Intimacy & Connection and Influence
  • ​Master Your Body & Health Using The Healing Power Of Your Mind
  • ​Learn The Daily Super Rituals For Optimizing Your Mind, Body, Emotions & Spirit
  • Learn the psychological and emotional strategies for creating extraordinary change in the world
  • Unlock Super Human Levels Of Creativity, Intelligence, And Resiliency
  • Transform Your Relationship Consciousness & Improve Your Capacity For Intimacy & Connection and Influence
  • ​Master Your Body & Health Using The Healing Power Of Your Mind
  • ​Learn The Daily Super Rituals For Optimizing Your Mind, Body, Emotions & Spirit

The Decision Is Yours…Will You REACT To Change – Or Will You Take Part In CREATING It?

When you have a REAL system to free yourself from the negative bias of your mind and live at the level of power and impact that's waiting to be unlocked within you…

These aren't just possibilities – they're INEVITABLE.

Plus A Special BONUS for Host Hotel Guests Only..

Private Access to David’s
 Business Mastery Training ($3,500 value) 
Before the Event Even Begins! 

If you’re TIRED of struggling to get your business to the next level, if you just can’t nail down your messaging, if you feel like you’ve been hitting a wall . . . or if you’ve been stuck on a plateau and want to accelerate to the next level of income, impact and success . . . this is for you.

Stay at the host hotel to get access to the BONUS 2-hour Business Mastery Training the night before the event. I rarely share this information and charge thousands of dollars for this same material and coaching.

This is some of the MOST ADVANCED business training and methodologies I teach and the same systems I’ve used to build an 8-figure business…

Now I’m revealing them all to you in this powerful mini-session before the Powerful Living Experience even begins! 

You’ll learn the same cutting-edge business strategies, structure and principles that have produced profound results for hundreds of business owners. We’ll be covering:

  • How to Hyperniche Your Ideal Client
  • How to Powerfully Differentiate Yourself and Stand Out from the Competition
  • ​How to Develop Powerful Messaging
  • ​Enrollment Mastery
  • ​Designing a Signature Presentation to Convert More Clients
  • ​Structuring Offers to Scale
  • ​Filling Live Events and Masterminds 
  • ​Creating a Predictable Revenue Business
  • ​Growing Your Business Offline
  • ​Scaling to 6 or 7-Figures
  • ​Marketing Automation, Webinars and Funnels that Took Us from $0 - $10M
  • ​...and More!

You get access to ALL of these trainings for FREE when you get your ticket to the Powerful Living Experience LIVE 2022 now!


    Plus, You're Invited To Join The 3-Hour "Start-Grow-Scale" Business Masterclass The Night BEFORE The Event Even Begins…

    This is some of the MOST ADVANCED business training and methodologies that clients have paid upwards of $100k to learn and the same systems we’ve used to build an 8-figure business…

    You’ll learn the same cutting-edge business strategies, structure and principles that have produced profound results for hundreds of our community members in virtually every industry, niche, and vertical you can think of – many of whom started at ground zero, just like we did.

    In just 3-hours, you'll get a bonafide MBA in entrepreneurship and the foundations of growing a successful, sustainable, mission-driven business – from the basics to the most advanced scaling strategies, including how to:
    • Use your skills, passions, and knowledge and identify a profitable niche
    • Identify ideal customers and clients who will happily pay you for your expertise
    • Develop highly differentiated messaging and position yourself as an authority in your market
    • ​Conduct powerful enrollment conversations from a place of authority and authenticity
    • ​Market yourself effectively – both offline and online
    • ​Set realistic income goals that set you up to profit big in short term and set you up for long-term growth
    • ​And much more!

    Plus A Special BONUS for Host Hotel Guests Only..

    Private Access to David’s
     Business Mastery Training ($3,500 value) 
    Before the Event Even Begins! 

    If you’re TIRED of struggling to get your business to the next level, if you just can’t nail down your messaging, if you feel like you’ve been hitting a wall . . . or if you’ve been stuck on a plateau and want to accelerate to the next level of income, impact and success . . . this is for you.

    Stay at the host hotel to get access to the BONUS 2-hour Business Mastery Training the night before the event. I rarely share this information and charge thousands of dollars for this same material and coaching.

    This is some of the MOST ADVANCED business training and methodologies I teach and the same systems I’ve used to build an 8-figure business…

    Now I’m revealing them all to you in this powerful mini-session before the Powerful Living Experience even begins! 

    You’ll learn the same cutting-edge business strategies, structure and principles that have produced profound results for hundreds of business owners. We’ll be covering:

    • How to Hyperniche Your Ideal Client
    • How to Powerfully Differentiate Yourself and Stand Out from the Competition
    • ​How to Develop Powerful Messaging
    • ​Enrollment Mastery
    • ​Designing a Signature Presentation to Convert More Clients
    • ​Structuring Offers to Scale
    • ​Filling Live Events and Masterminds 
    • ​Creating a Predictable Revenue Business
    • ​Growing Your Business Offline
    • ​Scaling to 6 or 7-Figures
    • ​Marketing Automation, Webinars and Funnels that Took Us from $0 - $10M
    • ​...and More!

    You get access to ALL of these trainings for FREE when you get your ticket to the Powerful Living Experience LIVE 2022 now!

       March 21-23, 2025
       Kalahari Resort in Round Rock, TX

      Take A Look At What The Members Of This Community Say About Their Time At PLE:

      The Powerful Living Experience Is The Leading Event For Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs, Leaders, And Individuals On The Frontlines Of Radically Reinventing The World.
      Here’s a preview of what’s in store…
      Get absolute clarity about what you want to create, how you’re going to accomplish it, and the tools to actually do it.
      Eliminate the limiting beliefs, self-criticism and negative patterns of thinking that are preventing you from taking your business to the next level.
      Discover how to increase your earning power and set yourself up for long-term wealth creation, whether you're a business owner or employee.

      Learn the proven and timeless skills for building a highly profitable and scalable impact-oriented business in any industry or niche.
      Discover the fastest, most powerful method for creating immediate transformation, changing the way you think, and rewiring your brain.
      Develop an INVINCIBLE mindset and permanently eliminate the stress, struggle and overwhelm that's stealing your income, joy and dreams.
      Master the art and science of RELATIONSHIPS and become a powerfully influential leader in your work, family and community.
      Discover how to effectively leverage and compress time and accomplish more in 12 months than most people do in 5 years. 
      Change yourself, so you can influence and instill change in your work, community, government, and the world at large.
      Down-regulate your nervous system and use the healing ability of your mind to overcome chronic stress, anxiety, and health challenges with more energy, vitality and vibrancy.
      “It’s not what you do, but who you become, that determines the impact, influence and income you ultimately create.” ~ David Bayer

      Use the 4 Modalities of Success and Transformation to Your Advantage at the Powerful Living Experience LIVE

      These are the 4 modalities of success. They are learning modalities proven to transform information… into knowledge and experience. 

      And when you combine all of them… something magical happens. 

      • You get the IMMERSION of three days diving deep into the most cutting edge mindset technologies and proven methods for achieving absolute mastery over your health, wealth, relationships, and personal life.. 
      • ​You get EDUCATION with the most powerful wealth-building strategies, leading edge frameworks for eradicating your limiting beliefs, and world class expert speakers. 
      • ​You get CONNECTION, networking with 1000+ like-minded, inspired changemakers aligned with your mission. 
      • ​You get MENTORSHIP through direct support from David and his seasoned mindset trainers throughout the event. 

      PLUS you get a totally EPIC Bonus package...

      AMAZING BONUSES (worth over $2,788)
      Only for Early Bird Ticket Holders!

      AMAZING BONUSES (worth over $2,788)

      A 2ND TICKET FOR FREE! ($997 value)

      Choose Your Transformation Running Mate

      Surrounding yourself with people who support you and encourage you to be your BEST is a catalyst for growth. Get the momentum you need to create an incredible life and business that has more impact and brings you more fulfillment than you ever thought possible.   

      Just imagine what could be possible if you created your own team of unstoppable support to keep you striving to play your game at the highest level, and to consistently show up as your best self? That’s what happens when you bring your running mate to the Powerful Living Experience LIVE.

      Register now and you’ll get a COMPLIMENTARY TICKET to bring a friend, colleague, or partner to share the transformation and personal evolution alongside you!

      5-Part Mindset Mastery Bonus Digital Program ($297 value)

      Self-awareness isn’t enough. Most people have hit the personal development ceiling. In this 5-part series, you'll discover the science of Personal Development 2.0 and learn how to not just become aware of your limiting beliefs, but how to actually rewire your brain so that your thoughts, emotions, and perceptions are in alignment with creating the next level in your business, income and life.

      What’s included: 

      • The core principles of what I call Mindset 2.0 and how to leverage them to create exponential growth in your business
      • ​How to consistently operate from a powerful state of higher intelligence, creativity, and intuition. 
      • ​A step-by-step method to permanently eliminate limiting beliefs by creating fundamental changes in your brain
      • Going beyond self awareness to actually eliminate your limiting beliefs
      • ​Permanently eliminating stress and overwhelm so you can tap into higher levels of intelligence, creativity, and intuition 
      • Eliminating destructive patterns of behavior like comparing, procrastination, self-sabotage

      Get ready to open your mind to a whole new way of thinking and operating with this special bonus!

        The $30k Method Masterclass ($497 value)

        Whether you've already got a business, you're looking to start one, or the idea of making consistent 5-figure months seems completely out of reach, The $30k Method will give you the step-by-step process on how ANYONE can generate $30k in the next 90 days and produce consistent $20k-$30k+ months while spending 90% of your time doing what you love.

        This masterclass will walk you through the exact timeline from getting your first $3,000-$8,000 premium client to predictably cracking multiple 5-figures a month in your business without doing more "work".

        You'll discover: 

        • The #1 "one to many" strategy all of our coaching clients leverage to get their offers in front of more of their ideal clients and create enrollment conversations…
        • The structure we used to evolve from working with 1-on-1 clients, to group programs, to automating yourself and your marketing (ie. creating a REAL business)...
        • ​How to go from rollercoaster revenue months to predictable generating more income AND more impact using a few simple and timeless strategies that are fully aligned with your skill sets and goals

        This is how you take your business from a place where your day-to-day actions feel like a chore and something you have to do to pay the bills…to something they GET to do to truly make a difference in your client's lives, make the type of money that most people only dream of, and become a go-to authority in your industry.

          60-Minute LIVE Powerful Living Experience Prep Call with David ($997 value)

          Whether you've attended PLE before or this is your first time coming into our world (or at least your first time in person), venturing into the "unknown" can be a little daunting.

          That's why we're hosting a LIVE call 2 weeks before the event begins, to give you a full rundown of what to expect at the event, how to prepare in order to maximize this experience, a preview of what's in store, and some facetime with your host (David) and your new tribe of impact-driven rockstars.

          Yes, we want to get you pumped up to hit the ground running when you arrive at the resort in Round Rock, but we also want to calm your nerves, give you some clarity, and show you that you're going to feel right at home when Day 1 kicks off.

            (This bonus expires on 3/10/2025) 

            The Advanced Mindset Masterclass Training Series
            ($1,997 value) 

            Time. Money. Relationships. Health. Four areas that we never seem to have "enough" of or don't know how to leverage effectively. The truth is, ALL of them are a byproduct of the beliefs you've formed around them.

            This 4-part course series contains dedicated trainings to help you identify and transform those beliefs and REMOVE the resistances holding you back from achieving more of these 4 core areas:

            • TIME Mastery
            • MONEY Mastery
            • ​RELATIONSHIP Mastery
            • ​HEALTH Mastery

            By the end of each training, you'll have the tools to radically transform your capacity to create mastery over your schedule and productivity, your earning power and wealth, your professional, personal, and intimate relationships, and your physical, mental, and emotional health.

            We'll be diving even deeper into these topics on Day 3 of PLE, but this bonus will allow you to hit the ground running as soon as you register your seat.

              The Imagination, Visualization & Actualization Masterclass ($1,997 value)

              (This bonus expires on 1/28/2024) 

              Perhaps you've heard that visualization is a powerful tool for materializing your desires, but you can't seem to figure out how to make it work for you. Maybe you've read that the human mind can't tell the difference between imagining an experience and it actually taking place in real life.

              Or maybe you're clear on the desires you have for your life, but nothing you try results in actualizing those desires into your current reality. This brand-new training co-led by David & Carol will give you the "big dream" kickstart you need and show you the same imagination and visualization techniques they've used to create a dream life by design.

                Create From The Fourth Dimension Masterclass ($1,997 value)

                (This bonus expires on 3/10/2025) 

                Perhaps you've heard that visualization is a powerful tool for materializing your desires, but you can't seem to figure out how to make it work for you. Maybe you've read that the human mind can't tell the difference between imagining an experience and it actually taking place in real life.

                Or maybe you're clear on the desires you have for your life, but nothing you try results in actualizing those desires into your current reality. This brand-new training co-led by David & Carol will give you the "big dream" kickstart you need and show you the same imagination and visualization techniques they've used to create a dream life by design.

                  Side Hustle To Scale Mini-Course ($997 value)

                  (This bonus expires on 3/10/2025) 

                  Want to save the years of trial-and-error most business owners go through getting their business off the ground?

                  This mini-course pulls back the curtain on the exact strategies and frameworks David and Carol used to grow their business from just an idea to generating over $25 million and the exact methods hundreds of clients who've invested between $20k-$100k to learn have replicated to get their first clients, make their first 6-figures, and scale 7-figure businesses doing what they love.

                  Whether you're just starting out and looking for a way to monetize your passion, you're struggling to create consistency in your business, or you want to take your existing business to the next level of growth, these trainings will introduce you to the tools, insights, and mindset needed to start, grow, and scale and impact-driven business without the guesswork.

                  You get 3 full trainings as part of this mini-course:

                  • THE PERFECT ROLLOUT STRATEGY - A complete breakdown of when to launch your offers, what to price different programs and services for maximum profit, when's the best time to introduce new offers (and how to price them for maximum profit) and why it's important to have a clear customer journey if you want to crack 7-figures.
                  • HIGH-CONVERTING SIGNATURE PRESENTATIONS - This outlines the single most effective strategy we've used to enroll clients into our $20k-$100k coaching programs, sell out digital programs, and fill our live events – to the tune of $25 million. You'll learn how to enroll more clients in less time using this "one to many" sales strategy that you can use both online and offline to sell your products and services.
                  • RECESSION PROOF YOUR BUSINESS - Discover how to build a recession-proof coaching/consulting business using little more than your existing skills, knowledge and experience with big margins, use those profits to build a "war chest" of passive investment opportunities, and actually increase your wealth during times of economic contraction.

                    The Advanced Mindset Masterclass Training Series
                    ($1,997 value)

                    (This bonus expires on 1/15/2024) 

                    Time. Money. Relationships. Health. Four areas that we never seem to have "enough" of or don't know how to leverage effectively. The truth is, ALL of them are a byproduct of the beliefs you've formed around them.

                    This 4-part course series contains dedicated trainings to help you identify and transform those beliefs and REMOVE the resistances holding you back from achieving more of these 4 core areas:

                    • TIME Mastery 
                    • MONEY Mastery 
                    • RELATIONSHIP Mastery 
                    • HEALTH Mastery

                    By the end of each training, you'll have the tools to radically transform your capacity to create mastery over your schedule and productivity, your earning power and wealth, your professional, personal, and intimate relationships, and your physical, mental, and emotional health.

                    We'll be diving even deeper into these topics on Day 3 of PLE, but this bonus will allow you to hit the ground running as soon as you register your seat.

                      A Changed Mind Book Signing and Meet & Greet

                      (This bonus expires on 12/23/2023) 

                      On the Monday morning after the event wraps up, you're invited to join David for an exclusive invite-only, in-person meet & greet and book signing in celebration of the release of his new book, A Changed Mind – David's first published hardcopy release that he wrote as a playbook for whole life transformation for the incredible members of our PLE tribe and community.

                      You'll have the opportunity to get your picture taken with David, share your takeaways from the event, and continue networking with your fellow event attendees. SPACE IS LIMITED. Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the signing.

                        Master The Inner Game Of Business Training ($497 value)

                        (This bonus expires on 3/10/2025) 

                        Whether you're an established business owner, an aspiring entrepreneur, or find yourself on the precipice of turning your passion into a profitable venture, it's important to realize that your mindset is 80% of success. Strategies and tactics come and go, but in business (and in life), whatever it is you think and believe determines the results you create.

                        So if you recognize that procrastination, self-sabotage, uncertainty, and doubt are plaguing what you believe, the way you think, and how you show up and you want to stop self-sabotaging your success, this training will help transform your doubt into clarity, uncertainty into confidence, and confusion into unshakeable conviction in the business you're building and life you're creating.

                          $250K Blueprint Training ($497 value)

                          (This bonus expires on 3/10/2025) 

                          When most people are starting out, they want to get to $10k/month or they just want to hit 6-figures in a year (which is only $8,333/month on the low end). But 100k isn't what it used to be – just look around you, EVERYTHING is more expensive. So if you really want to build a business that serves as a vehicle for your financial freedom and have stability in your life – you've gotta set your sights higher.

                          This training will show you how to set your business up for a $250,000/year run rate with the right offer structure, pricing, and delivery timeline so you can go from the "start" to the "grow" stage of business quickly and predictably.

                            A Changed Mind Book Signing and Meet & Greet

                            (This bonus expires on 10/21/2023) 

                            On the Monday morning after the event wraps up, you're invited to join David for an exclusive invite-only, in-person meet & greet and book signing in celebration of the release of his new book, A Changed Mind – David's first published hardcopy release that he wrote as a playbook for whole life transformation for the incredible members of our PLE tribe and community.

                            You'll have the opportunity to get your picture taken with David, share your takeaways from the event, and continue networking with your fellow event attendees. SPACE IS LIMITED. Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the signing.

                              CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT / HTML

                                Plus A Special BONUS for Host Hotel Guests Only..

                                Private Access to David’s
                                 Business Mastery Training ($3,500 value) 
                                Before the Event Even Begins! 

                                If you’re TIRED of struggling to get your business to the next level, if you just can’t nail down your messaging, if you feel like you’ve been hitting a wall . . . or if you’ve been stuck on a plateau and want to accelerate to the next level of income, impact and success . . . this is for you.

                                Stay at the host hotel to get access to the BONUS 2-hour Business Mastery Training the night before the event. I rarely share this information and charge thousands of dollars for this same material and coaching.

                                This is some of the MOST ADVANCED business training and methodologies I teach and the same systems I’ve used to build an 8-figure business…

                                Now I’m revealing them all to you in this powerful mini-session before the Powerful Living Experience even begins! 

                                You’ll learn the same cutting-edge business strategies, structure and principles that have produced profound results for hundreds of business owners. We’ll be covering:

                                • How to Hyperniche Your Ideal Client
                                • How to Powerfully Differentiate Yourself and Stand Out from the Competition
                                • ​How to Develop Powerful Messaging
                                • ​Enrollment Mastery
                                • ​Designing a Signature Presentation to Convert More Clients
                                • ​Structuring Offers to Scale
                                • ​Filling Live Events and Masterminds 
                                • ​Creating a Predictable Revenue Business
                                • ​Growing Your Business Offline
                                • ​Scaling to 6 or 7-Figures
                                • ​Marketing Automation, Webinars and Funnels that Took Us from $0 - $10M
                                • ​...and More!

                                You get access to ALL of these trainings for FREE when you get your ticket to the Powerful Living Experience LIVE 2022 now!

                                  CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT / HTML
                                  Here’s What People Said About Powerful Living Experience
                                  "To make the word a better place and to live in the freedom and in the present moment...this is the place to be."
                                  "Now that I've been to the Powerful Living Experience it has changed everything that I do."
                                  "It's mindset 2.0 because at the Powerful Living Experience we can just shift from an old belief system to a whole new decision tree with tools, technology, methodologies that are applicable every single day. And now, in my life, I don't have any limits."
                                  "I credit David and Carol. For me, it gave me back my heart, they gave me my soul and my spirit. And until I had all of that I couldn't more forward powerfully. And so today, I just come from a place of gratitude."
                                  CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT / HTML

                                  DECISIVENESS IS POWER!

                                  Register Now to Lock in FREE Bonuses worth over $2,788!


                                  EARLY BIRD PRICE AND BONUSES EXPIRE ON 3/21/2025

                                  ONLY 200 VIP ACCESS Tickets Left

                                  BONUSES EXPIRE ON 3/21/2025

                                  ONLY 200 VIP ACCESS Tickets Left
                                  CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT / HTML
                                  CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT / HTML
                                  4PM - 5:30 PM Early Registration Opens
                                  5:30 - 8:30PM BONUS: Private Business Mastery Session

                                  Whether you’re looking to start a side hustle or going from growth to scale, David will unpack his personal business playbook that helped him go from $0 to $25M in less than 7 years becoming the fastest growing coaching company on the Inc 500.

                                  From idea, to blue ocean messaging and market positioning, offer structures, online and social media marketing, to marketing automation, hiring and processes - this is the playbook for building a multiple 6, 7 or 8-figure business.

                                  Learn from an entrepreneur who has spent over $10M in online marketing, attracted over 20,000 attendees to his live and virtual events, run online challenges, launched digital courses, built a team of over 200 certified coaches and has been building businesses from manufacturing, to online, e-commerce and education over the last 25 years..

                                  So you can go from start, to grow, to scale.
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                                  7AM - 10AM: Registration
                                  9AM - 10PM: General Session

                                  Master key aspects of your mind and emotions that can PROPEL your life and your mission forward.

                                  You’ll walk away from today with proven tools and strategies to:

                                  ~ Permanently eliminate negative self-talk and break down limiting beliefs

                                  ~ Identify and stop the self-criticism holding you back from explosive growth so you can create the Big  Vision of your life and business

                                  ~ Learn how thoughts become things and how to master the power of creation using your mind.

                                  ~ Create everlasting change in your psychology so your actions, thoughts and emotions are in full alignment with your vision

                                  ~ And more…
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                                  8AM - Exhibit Hall Open
                                  9AM - 10PM: General Session
                                  1:30 PM VIP Lunch with David

                                  Become UNSTOPPABLE in your mission, business and life by gaining absolute clarity on what you want to create, who you need to be, and how you’re going to do it.

                                  You’ll walk away from today with proven tools and strategies to:

                                  ~ Set intentional, fully-aligned goals for your life, relationships, and career AND the tools to follow through with them powerfully

                                  ~ Re-establish self-love, self-esteem and unshakeable confidence as innate parts of your being

                                  ~ Remove your money blocks and learn the strategies for rapidly scaling your business or career in the next 12 months (or less)

                                  ~ Eliminate patterns of resistance like indecision, procrastination and self sabotage.

                                  ~ And more…
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                                  8AM - Exhibit Hall Open
                                  9AM - 8PM: General Session
                                  8PM: Exclusive VIP Party at the Barn

                                  Develop the skills that help you find the gift and blessings in every moment, challenge, and experience, instinctively so you can develop more empowering thoughts and fully live your life.

                                  You’ll walk away from today’s session with proven tools and strategies to:

                                  ~ Help you master relationship by consciously RESPONDING to every experience and individual in your life in a more powerful and positive way

                                  ~ Develop the ultimate blueprint to make a quantum leap in your health, vibrancy and wellness

                                  ~ Learn the daily super rituals for increased self awareness, emotional intelligence and personal power

                                  ~ Fully integrate the scientific and spiritual systems for having a Powerful Living Experience

                                  THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2020

                                  4PM - 5:30PM: Early Registration Opens
                                  5:30 - 7:30PM BONUS: Private Business Mastery Session

                                  4PM - 5:30 PM Early Registration Opens

                                  5:30 - 7:30PM BONUS: Private Business Mastery Session (only for host hotel guests)

                                  Day 1

                                  MINDSET MASTERY:

                                  DEVELOP AN INVINCIBLE MINDSET

                                  FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2020

                                  7AM - 10AM: Registration
                                  9AM - 10PM: General Session

                                  Master key aspects of your mind and emotions that can PROPEL your life and your mission forward. 

                                  You’ll walk away from today with proven tools and strategies that:

                                  • Permanently eliminate negative self-talk and break down limiting beliefs
                                  • Identify and stop the self-criticism holding you back from explosive growth so you can create the Big Vision of your life and business
                                  • ​Create everlasting change in your psychology so your actions, thoughts and emotions are in full alignment with your vision

                                  Day 2

                                  BUSINESS MASTERY:

                                  MASTER THE GAME OF BUSINESS

                                  SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2020

                                  8AM - Exhibit Hall Open
                                  9AM - 10PM:General Session
                                  VIP Lunch with David 

                                  Become UNSTOPPABLE with your business by stepping in to your role as an entrepreneur with absolute clarity and confidence.

                                  You’ll walk away from today with proven tools and strategies that:

                                  • Give you a “shortcut” to business development so you can achieve 3 to 5 years’ worth of rapid growth in the next 12 months (or less)
                                  • End the indecision and procrastination cycle that’s stealing your dreams, and your income
                                  • ​Master the tools and tactics to rapidly grow your business to 6 or 7 figures, with sustainable and scalable growth

                                  Day 3

                                  RELATIONSHIP MASTERY:

                                  A POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCE

                                  SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2020

                                  8AM - Exhibit Hall Open
                                  9AM - 8PM: General Session
                                  8PM: Exclusive VIP Party at the Pool Deck

                                  Develop the skills that help you find the gift and blessings in every moment, challenge, and experience, instinctively so you can develop more empowering thoughts and fully live your life.

                                  You’ll walk away from today with proven tools and strategies that:

                                  • Help you master relationship by consciously RESPONDING to every experience and individual in your life in a more powerful and positive way
                                  • ​Develop the ultimate blueprint to make a quantum leap in your personal and professional growth
                                  • Fully embrace the scientific and spiritual system for enjoying a Powerful Living Experience

                                  TRAVEL INFORMATION

                                  Get Your Tickets Now + EXTRA Bonuses! 

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                                  About David Bayer
                                  David Bayer is a personal development coach, entrepreneur, business strategist and creator of The Powerful Living Experience Live. 

                                  David has been named “a leading expert on the next evolution of mindset” by Success Magazine. The Powerful Living Experience Live was named “A Top 3 Must Attend Personal Development Event” by Inc. David’s book Mind Hack has been downloaded over 350,000 times and his recent interview on Impact Theory was named one of the best interviews in the history of the show. 

                                  David teaches leaders, entrepreneurs and impact-driven individuals how to intentionally create a "Mission-Driven Life" that allows them to massively grow their income, impact and influence while consciously designing a life that provides the freedom, flexibility and time to truly enjoy the journey. 

                                  David's immersion into psychology, neuroscience, quantum theory, metaphysics, personal development and spirituality resulted in the development of a powerful and practical system for empowering mission-driven individuals to break through to their next level of greatness while having even more time, joy and freedom and to have it all.

                                  The Powerful Living Experience Live is a 3-day immersive experience which provides the ultimate blueprint for designing an extraordinary human experience.

                                  By bridging the gap between science and spirituality and teaching entrepreneurs and individuals both the mindset and mechanics of building a successful business or career, PLE unlocks the powerful forces trapped within the mind, body and spirit in order to break through to the next level of business, relationships and life.

                                  There is an easier, more effective way to HAVE IT ALL without sacrificing your life, and David's mission is to provide you with the exact teachings, action plans and breakthroughs to make it happen for YOU!
                                  The Greatest Gift You Can Give Someone You Care About…Is the Gift of Transformation
                                  That's why we're including a complimentary bonus ticket when you register for the Powerful Living Experience today…

                                  Why keep your evolution and this transformation to yourself when you can create your own team of unstoppable support, creativity and inspiration to fuel your success by surrounding yourself with people who support you and encourage you to be your BEST.

                                  As soon as you register you'll be able to claim your COMPLIMENTARY TICKET (General Admission) to bring a friend, colleague, or partner to share this evolution alongside you!

                                  Be a change agent in the world by giving the gift of transformation.

                                  There’s nothing more powerful than a community of connected minds...

                                  Which is why we are taking the extra step to make it possible.
                                  David's Powerful Living Experience Team is happy to answer any questions you have about the event or registration.

                                  Our goal is to support you in your personal and professional evolution by making The Powerful Living Experience an event you will never forget.

                                  Call us at (407) 512-9997 or email us at 
                                  For General Inquiries:

                                  For Help with Registration:

                                  For Media Inquiries:

                                  For Sponsorship Inquiries:

                                  We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information will not be shared.